- brake parachute
- тормозной парашют
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
brake parachute — noun : a deceleration parachute * * * brake parachute noun A parachute attached to the tail of some high performance aircraft, used as a brake for landing • • • Main Entry: ↑brake * * * brake parachute, = drag parachute. (Cf. ↑drag parachute) … Useful english dictionary
brake parachute — /breɪk ˈpærəʃut/ (say brayk paruhshooht) noun a parachute attached to the tail of an aeroplane which may be opened to assist as a brake when landing …
parachute — parachutic, adj. parachutist, parachuter, n. /par euh shooht /, n., v., parachuted, parachuting. n. 1. a folding, umbrellalike, fabric device with cords supporting a harness or straps for allowing a person, object, package, etc., to float down… … Universalium
parachute brake — /ˈpærəʃut breɪk/ (say paruhshooht brayk) noun a parachute which opens at the rear of an aircraft or the like to act as a brake on landing. Also, parabrake …
parachute brake — a parachute opened horizontally from the tail of an airplane upon landing, used as an aid in braking. Also called parabrake. Cf. drogue parachute (def. 2). * * * … Universalium
parachute brake — a parachute opened horizontally from the tail of an airplane upon landing, used as an aid in braking. Also called parabrake. Cf. drogue parachute (def. 2) … Useful english dictionary
drag parachute — noun : a parachute released from the rear of an airplane to help slow it down during the ground run in landing * * * drag parachute, a parachute used especially to slow down an aircraft on the runway in landing; brake parachute: »It will [land]… … Useful english dictionary
deceleration parachute — A parachute attached to aircraft and deployed to slow it, especially during landing. Also called a brake parachute, drogue parachute, tail chute, or parabrake. See braking parachute … Aviation dictionary
tail parachute/tail chute — A parachute(s) fitted normally on combat or experimental aircraft and meant to reduce the landing run and/or the float after rounding off. A tail chute is located in the rear portion of the aircraft and provides a steady deceleration of 0.25 to 0 … Aviation dictionary
brake parachutes/braking parachute/brake chute — Parachutes fitted on combat or experimental aircraft to reduce the landing run and/or the float after rounding off. They are located in the rear portion of the aircraft and provide a steady deceleration of 0.25 to 0.35 g. They, however, become… … Aviation dictionary
Drogue parachute — A B 52H Stratofortress from the 307th Bomb Wing deploying its drag chute for landing … Wikipedia